Newsletter for week of July 22nd, 2024

“Adventures of the Church Mouse”, By Schnozz

Have you noticed at each worship service we always have volunteers who serve as ushers? They hand out programs for the service, direct people (especially visitors) to their seats, count the number present for worship and help collect the morning gifts of tithes and offerings. These important jobs are almost forgotten about until the ushers fail to appear. I must say we have a cracker-jack cadre of the best ushers that can be found, and they appear, regular as clockwork, to assist our orderly assembly of worship! The early service features ushers, Tim Spencer and Cliff Philpot, and the 10:30 service features Wayne Richardson, Mike Hardy, Jerry Gibbs, Adam Slater, Dwayne Bradley, Clint Evers and Ken Nelson.

Last week our Bicentennial Worship Committee met to apply the finishing touches on an enormous amount of work that has transpired over about a six month period of time. The finished souvenir program and Cokesbury sing-along hymnal is now in the hands of our secretary. Terri is working diligently making certain everything will be ready for the big event on August 4th. Special invitations have been mailed to families of former pastors, photographers have been appointed, historic news articles have been submitted to both local newspapers, Chef Clint Evers is preparing his BBQ equipment, children are rehearsing their parts for the historic play, and both choirs are rehearsing their special music. All of this reminds me of my favorite TV show, “The Mickey Mouse Club”! Remember “Special Guest Star Day” when we roll out the carpet, strike up the band, and do it with a Hip Hooray? Our celebration will absolutely be a smashing success if everyone embraces this historic event with the enthusiasm it deserves! August 4th is Sunday week! We need the RSVPs turned in for the meal so we will know how much meat to prepare and how many tables and chairs will be needed in the dining room. We have no time for foot-dragging. God will be smiling down on us and the angels will be dancing in heaven. The moment for our church to shine like a “city on a hill that cannot be hidden” has come! Pick up the phone and invite your friends and neighbors and make them also commit so that we can prepare for everyone. The children’s historic play will commence at 9:30 a.m., and the historic worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m. August 4, 2024 is our red letter Sunday!

Rev. Tory's Theologian of the month:

“The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart,

a revolution which has to start with each one of us?”

-Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day (Nov. 8th, 1897—Nov. 29th, 1980) was an American journalist turned social activist who co-founded the Catholic Worker Movement. She became known for her social justice campaigns in defense of the poor, forsaken, hungry, and homeless. She espoused nonviolence and hospitality for the impoverished and oppressed. Her sommitment to social justice spanned most of the twentieth century.

The Catholic Worker movement (a pacifist movement that combines direct aid for the poor and homeless with nonviolent direct action on their behalf) started with the Catholic Worker newspaper, created to stake out a neutral, pacifist position in the increasingly war-torn 19203. This grew into the “House of Hospitality” in the slums of New York City, and then, there were a series of farms where the poor could live to communally. The movement quickly spread to other cities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. By 1941, more than thirty independent communities were founded, all of which are still affiliated with the Catholic Workers movement. Today, there are well over 100 communities all around the world.

Day wrote several autobiographies during her life, such as The Long Loneliness (and account of the Catholic Worker movement) and Loaves and Fishes. She actively sought an equal distribution of resources to all people and constantly reaffirmed her pacifism by speaking on the sinfulness of war. She has preached, “We must make a start. We must renounce war as an instrument of policy...Even as I speak to you, I may be guilty of what some men call treason. But we must reject war…”

Day continues to be an inspiration to may clergy and people of faith who seek to build a country and world on peace, prosperity, and the connectedness of all people. If you wish to learn more about her, you can watch the movie Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story, which was produced in 1996 and is about the triumphs and struggles that Day endured. You can also watch a full-length documentary about her called “Dorothy Day: Don’t Call Me a Saint.” I am thankful for her witness and her service to Christ, our Lord.

...Once again we will be providing breakfast for the faculty and staff of Ingram Sowell Elementary on August 1, 2024. There will be a sign-up sheet in the 8:15 am. service, Wesley Classroom during Sunday school, and at the 10:30 am. Service. We will be feeding around 80 people and have divided the breakfast foods and drinks into specific areas. Each year we also purchase sausage and biscuits for the group and take monetary donations. Food and drinks need to be brought to the church on Wednesday the 31st (from 8-4) or Thursday the 1st by 7:15 am. If you have any questions, please call Carol Beasley at 629-5631. Thank you so much for volunteering to help with this project and God bless!

Dear Church Family,

The following kids will at Cedar Crest Camp on these dates. We would love for you to send them an email or emails; you can write everyday if you wish.

Please put the child’s name in the subject line of your email. As always, thank you for your support!

Jake Shultz (July 21-26)

Nina Shultz (July 21-26) Maddie Shultz (July 21-26)

Kyleigh Henson (July 21-26) Connor Jones (July 21-26)

Mason McMahan (July 21-26) Wyatt Cisco (July 21-26)

The Mary-Martha Circle will meet on Monday, August 12th, at 5:30 pm. At Strikers.

August 13, United Methodist Women of Faith Executive Committee meeting at 3:30 pm., in the Wesley classroom.


Hallie Hoffemeyer—August 2 Mia Massey—August 3

Steve Wright—August 3 Whit Brewer—August 4

Betty Evans—August 5 Sonny Newton—August 11

Scott McMahan—August 15 Ellen Crews—August 21

Kim McKnight—August 22 Pat Gray—August 27

Chase Brewer—August 29

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Betsy Benson Phelps and family Becky & Mike Lillard Family of James Sewell

Hazel Perry Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Gordon Lewis Marty Crews Bob Brown

Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio Danny Carter

Patricia Chapman Jackson Murtha Jeff Weeks

Michael Assad Susan Beuerlein Joan Emerson

Meredith McCoy McCraw Carroll & Cathy Curry Andrew Holcomb

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Lynn Burns Roy Harlan Dorothy Booth

Warren & Barbara Webster Courtney Ricaurte Jerry Gibbs

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Kade Shultz

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua Dr. Scott Benefield & Family

Residential, Commercial, Carpet, Windows, Upholstery cleaning and Auto detailing. Mary Randolph will provide a reference and connection to the cleaner. Contact Mary at 931-629-1124.

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, July 30th

Sharon Loete, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, August 1st

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, July 28th, 2024

Luci Long

Max Winters

Ushers for Sunday July 28th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Clint Evers

Dwain Bradley, Adam Slater

July 17, 2024

“Adventures of the Church Mouse”, By Schnozz

Wow! What a whirlwind week this past week has been! Since Tracy became a certified instructor of “Godly Play”, she has been working non-stop making detailed plans for a Godly Play station for FUMC. Our church will have the first Godly Play station in Lawrence County, and Tracy plans to begin Wednesday evening classes as soon as school is back in session. This past Monday volunteers began unpacking large boxes that housed a million parts that soon became beautiful shelving. While some were working on shelving, others were prepping the walls for a fresh coat of paint. By mid-morning the new paint began coating the extra-large classroom that sits just above the Wesley Classroom downstairs. There was no wasted monkey-motion as the dedicated group of volunteers worked to make Tracy’s dream a reality. Volunteers included: Emmery Holt, Leslie and Ezra Hunt, Gina, Clint and Tracy Evers, Sid and Carol James, John and Judy Benson, Beth Benson, Emily Herring, Jerry Tipper and Tim Porter. While everyone worked to finish the project, Jerry Tipper did the lion’s share of painting. Keep this innovative teaching facility in mind, and take a few minutes and come upstairs to check it out. I have already made myself at home among all the cubby holes filled with Bible lesson manipulatives, and I find my new accommodations quite cozy. I’m very impressed that Tracy continues to find novel and interesting ways to present the good news of Jesus Christ! “Godly Play” is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance. It allows participants to make relevant and personal theological meaning to their faith journey, and it nurtures participants to larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and play.

During Pastor Tory’s second delivery this past Sunday I noticed something else about this energetic young man. He is not going to tolerate any sleeping during the services. J His encouragement was more than a slight nudge! He used voice deflection, giant hand gestures, and body positioning to keep everyone on their toes. No one knew what was going to happen next when he left the podium and began traveling down the aisles of the sanctuary. His behavior reminded many of our teachers of a “Master Teacher” who was dipping heavily into a large bag of teaching strategies to keep his audience focused throughout the service. And I must say I found his approach most effective. It has been a long time since I have heard such great congregational singing! He told us he was going to work. After Sunday’s service, I’ll bet he went home and took a well-deserved break!

Our church family lost a dear friend and former pastor this past Sunday morning when Reverend James Sewell (1995-1998) passed away. At 91 years, he lived a full and happy life leaving behind his dear wife and confidant of 73 years, Charlotte, his son, Jim and family, and many grand-children and great-grand-children. James had planned to participate in our 200 year Celebration, but God had other plans, and called him home. Goodbye old friend! Save us a seat at the table. We know you are dancing in heaven!

The UMW-WIF are placing two roses in Chapel and Sanctuary this Sunday to honor the births of:

Clara Boston Vincini, born June 20, 2024 (6 lbs. 12 ozs., & 19.5 “ long),

new daughter of David & Caroline Vincini and

Granddaughter of Ben & Shelly Boston

Wescott “Wes” Michael Beasley, born June 21st, (8 lbs., 4 ozs. & 21 3/4 “ long)

Son of Scott & Katie Beasley and,

Grandson of John & Carol Beasley

...Once again we will be providing breakfast for the faculty and staff of Ingram Sowell Elementary on August 1, 2024. There will be a sign-up sheet in the 8:15 am. service, Wesley Classroom during Sunday school, and at the 10:30 am. Service. We will be feeding around 80 people and have divided the breakfast foods and drinks into specific areas. Each year we also purchase sausage and biscuits for the group and take monetary donations. Food and drinks need to be brought to the church on Wednesday the 31st (from 8-4) or Thursday the 1st by 7:15 am. If you have any questions, please call Carol Beasley at 629-5631. Thank you so much for volunteering to help with this project and God bless!

Dear Church Family,

The following kids will at Cedar Crest Camp on these dates. We would love for you to send them an email or emails; you can write everyday if you wish.

Please put the child’s name in the subject line of your email. As always, thank you for your support!

Ruby Becker (July 14-19) Jake Shultz (July 21-26)

Nina Shultz (July 21-26) Maddie Shultz (July 21-26)

Kyleigh Henson (July 21-26) Connor Jones (July 21-26)

Mason McMahan (July 21-26) Wyatt Cisco (July 21-26)

...Children & Youth are invited to a swim party at the home of Martha Jo and Jerry Gibbs (675 Old Florence Road), on Saturday, July 20th at 2:30 pm.

...A reminder that our annual book reading is nearing he deadline. All books need to be read or almost completed by mid-August. Please report books read by signing the sheet in the library and checking the categories read. This will give time to complete the form to be sent to the District Office. Thank you.

Gracie Henson

...There will be a Wednesday night supper planning meeting on Tuesday, July 23rd at 5:30 pm.

...There will be a Church yard workday on Wednesday, July 24th, beginning at 8 am. Everyone is asked to bring yard tools. Please join us as we work to make the church campus ready for the 200 year celebration on August 4th.

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Becky & Mike Lillard Dorothy Booth Courtney Ricaurte

Kathy Belew Lynn Burns Barbara Wellman

Hazel Perry Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Gordon Lewis Marty Crews

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Bob Brown

Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio Danny Carter

Patricia Chapman Jackson Murtha Jeff Weeks

Michael Assad Susan Beuerlein Joan Emerson

Meredith McCoy McCraw Carroll & Cathy Curry

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Warren & Barbara Webster Roy Harlan

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Cliff Philpot Kade Shultz Jerry Gibbs

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Cissy Holt

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua Dr. Scott Benefield & Family

Residential, Commercial, Carpet, Windows, Upholstery cleaning and Auto detailing. Mary Randolph will provide a reference and connection to the cleaner. Contact Mary at 931-629-1124.

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, July 23th

Linda Newton, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Thursday, July 25th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, July 21st, 2024

Bryce McMahan

Emma Grace Olive

Ushers for Sunday July 21st, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Jerry Gibbs

Ken Nelson, Wayne Richardson

July 8, 2024


“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going our your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” (-Bilbo Baggins (Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien)

My name is Tory Shane Dillard, and I was born in Nashville, TN., and spent my young life in the small rural community of Houston County, TN. It was there that I grew a great deal of love for adventure. I lived deep in the woods near Yellow Creek, and this setting allowed me to travel adventure. I lived deep in the woods near Yellow Creek, and this setting allowed me to travel through the great mysteries of the southern forests. I spent much time walking, hiking, and admiring the land that I lived on. However, even though I was an adventurous kid, I also kept to myself a lot, spent much time in my room in seclusion playing video games, writing short stories, or reading my adventure novels as an escape from the everyday world. However, my friends brought me out of my shell. I enjoy hiking, reading books and poetry, eating sweets, playing games, and having deep and memorable conversations.

I grew up in the United Methodist Church, even though my parents jumped from denomination to denomination like it was a game of hot potato. Yet my family always seemed to call the UMC our home denomination. Fast forward to adulthood; I started college at Nashville State Community College in Waverly, TN, where I received an associate degree in Business Management and Marketing. It was in my third year at NSCC that I answered my call into ministry. Two years later, I graduated from Austin Peay State University with a bachelor’s degree in the Philosophy of World Religions and a minor in theater. Then Three years later, I received a Master of Divinity Degree from Boston University School of Theology. I am a believer in the freedom and grace that Jesus Christ gives to us all, and it is through this very love that I build the foundation of my very existence.

I draw great wisdom from the ancient Christian mystics of old and the modern Christian mystics of today: Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, Saint John of the Cross, Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Clare of Assisi, Saint Francis of Assisi Howard Thurman, Thomas Merton, Evelyn Underhill, Saint Oscar Romero, and so many more. I am also, as you could probably guess, a Wesleyan. I believe in the overwhelming power of grace and that it always has the final say at the end of all things. While in school, I studied the power of God working within the world and through us as well. This internal challenge to love is created by God to help uproot the structures of shame, grief, pain and sorrow we create within ourselves and replace them with a new foundation of hope, peace, acceptance, renewal and transformation.

I look forward to getting to know you, laughing with you, and crying with you. I look forward to all the memories we will make together. I cannot wait to hear the songs we will sing along with the stories we will tell each other. Our lives will be intermingled in the presence of the Living God, the one who calls us their children. It is truly and honor to be the pastor of Lawrenceburg First United Methodist Church, and I am excited for the adventures we will be swept off to.

Inline image

Our lily bed has been “Oh, So Beautiful” for the past couple of weeks! The enormous blooms which radiate in a sparkling display of vibrant colors are especially dazzling in the summer sun! The summer show will soon be over, and it will be time to dig and separate the plants. That’s the curious nature of the lily bed. The plants remind me of Daniel Boone who would not tolerate close neighbors. In protest, the lilies will quit blooming when their roots begin touching other plants. When the lily plants are thinned and separated, the extra plants will soon be available to our church family members who wish to adorn their yards. Sharing our lilies reminds me of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The more we share our faith journey with others, the more our church family will grow and flourish! Invite a friend or neighbor to church Sunday. We can make room at the table for us all!

Our new pastor, Tory Dillard, got his feet wet this past Sunday. I observed lots of smiles and hand-shakes as I watched Brother Tory work through the congregation. I also noticed one of Tory’s strong traits right away. He doesn’t have a bashful bone in his body. This young feller has an abundant supply of zeal and enthusiasm he plans to share with all of us. In his opening sermon he invited the congregation to experience the sheer joy of living in the radiance of God’s abundant love. He added that once we bask in God’s love, God’s love will be reflected off of us, and we will be compelled to share it with others. He challenged everyone to “be someone’s joy this week.” Just a few minutes earlier I was downstairs listening to the kids rehearse their play for the 200 year celebration for August 4th. They were singing that old children’s favorite “I’ve got the Joy Down in My Heart”! Was this a coincidence, or was this the Holy Spirit moving among us? I’m thinking God has great plans for this church family, and there is no way our family will keep the radiance of God hidden under a basket! We love to share!

Let me mention just one more thing, Columbo, about flowers. Every Sunday our worship altar is adorned with beautiful bouquets of flowers. The varieties of blooming flowers that are offered correspond with their bloom cycle. For as long as I can remember our family volunteers make certain that these beautiful bouquets are presented to the glory of God in memory or honor of one of our own. This represents a symbolic gesture of our reverence to our loving God, and appreciation for our many blessings. If you would also like to be placed on the volunteer list, give Terri a call at the church office at 931-762-3696. A green thumb is not necessary provided a feller has a little green in his wallet. There are professionals available to pick your flowers, make the arrangements, and deliver them to the church for you.

...Children & Youth are invited to a swim party at the home of Martha Jo and Jerry Gibbs (675 Old Florence Road), on Saturday, July 20th at 2:30 pm.

“Meet and Greet” for Pastor Tory Dillard

…Christians Connect will meet on Sunday, July 14th, in the Wesley Classroom, following the early service. This will also serve as a “Meet and Greet”, for Bro. Tory Dillard. Everyone is encouraged to come by and meet the new pastor and start getting to know him as he starts his ministry with the church family.

...A reminder that our annual book reading is nearing he deadline. All books need to be read or almost completed by mid-August. Please report books read by signing the sheet in the library and checking the categories read. This will give time to complete the form to be sent to the District Office. Thank you.

Gracie Henson

...The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday evening, July 16th, at 5:30 pm.

...The Administrative Board Committee will meet on Tuesday evening, July 16th, at 6:00 pm.


Camp Thrive is July 27th, at 9 am., and is a back to school resource day! First UMC will have a table set up at this event and we are buying 150 packs of pencils to give to the children who benefit from this event. If you would like to volunteer to help, please let Tracy know. Adult volunteers only please. If you have any questions, please let Tracy know. Thanks for your help in our community!

Dear Church Family,

The following kids will at Cedar Crest Camp on these dates. We would love for you to send them an email or emails; you can write everyday if you wish.

Please put the child’s name in the subject line of your email. As always, thank you for your support!

Bryce McMahan (July 7-9) Alex Slater (July 7-12)

Kaycee McMahan (July 7-12) Sammy Evers (July 7-12)

Sloane Story (July 7-12) Ruby Becker (July 14-19)

Jake Shultz (July 21-26) Nina Shultz (July 21-26)

Maddie Shultz (July 21-26) Kyleigh Henson (July 21-26)

Connor Jones (July 21-26) Mason McMahan (July 21-26)

Wyatt Cisco (July 21-26)


There will be a swim gathering and Trivia games at the home of John and Carol Beasley (49 Cardinal Court) on Sunday, July 14th, at 6 pm. Please remember to bring lawn chairs and (towels if you plan to swim). Finger foods are needed (items easy to pick up and eat). Please let Carol Beasley know if you can bring ice cream. Everyone is welcome!!!

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

The Family of Anita Marston

Roy Harlan Dorothy Booth Courtney Ricaurte

Kathy Belew Lynn Burns Barbara Wellman

Hazel Perry Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Gordon Lewis Marty Crews

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Bob Brown

Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio Danny Carter

Patricia Chapman Jackson Murtha Jeff Weeks

Michael Assad Susan Beuerlein Joan Emerson

Meredith McCoy McCraw Carroll & Cathy Curry

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Warren & Barbara Webster

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Cliff Philpot Kade Shultz Jerry Gibbs

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Cissy Holt

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua Dr. Scott Benefield & Family

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, July 9th

Linda Newton, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Thursday, July 11th

Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Kaycee McMahan

Hunter Ann Phelps

Ushers for Sunday July 14th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Ken Nelson, Dwain Bradley

Adam Slater

July 1st, 2024

I was recently munching on a half-eaten but delightful “Happy Meal” left for me outside our dumpster, when I was struck by a moment of jubilation! This enormous church campus and all of its beautiful edifices are a testament to the saints, past and present, who pledged to enhance their tribute to God, the Father, and to Jesus Christ! As a result we worship, play, and fellowship in comfort because of all the past sacrifices that have been made by faithful members of our church family. Did you know our church campus is made up of eleven deed parcels that were either purchased or bequeathed to the glory of God over a span of more than one hundred and fifty years? Everywhere I look I see evidence of faithful members making love offerings above and beyond their tithe because they have desired our house of God to be the very best! The stunning sanctuary was completed in 1912 and the note for the building was burned one year later in 1913. Three major building programs later we have added many classrooms, bell and choir rooms, an elevator, a beautiful office suite for the pastor, the director of children and youth, the secretary, and a spectacular Christian Life Center. The baptistery in the sanctuary was given by the Stellar Class in 1949. Our church library first opened in 1962 and has remained current and functional, due to our dedicated librarians, Barbara Edwards, Gracie Henson, and to the host of members who continuously donate books and instructional materials. The beautiful “Last Supper” sculpture on the back wall of the choir loft was given by Mr. and Mrs. H.V. Brewer in 1971. The Rose Chapel was donated in memory of her parents by Margaret Rose Burton in 1978. Stunning needlepoint art work and paintings are adorning our buildings everywhere one might look. The donated cushions on the kneeling rails of the sanctuary are especially elegant. Each cushion represents a skilled artisan who freely gave their talent to our church! Over the course of our history we have funded and provided three parsonages for our pastors. The church steeple was donated and erected in 1982 in memory of Emmerson Hendrix by Florine Hendrix. Our beautiful playground for our children was completed in 2021. The pipe organ in the Rose Chapel was given to our organist, Jerry Tipper, by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 2023. This is only a partial list, but I’m running out of space. For every dollar that has been spent enhancing our enjoyment and worship experience, umpteen times that amount has been spent in giving a helping hand to all of those who have been in need along the way. As nice and comfortable we find our worship and life center, our primary concern has always been and will continue to be supporting the widows, the orphans, the down-trodden, the sick, the handicapped, the indigent, the homeless, the hungry, and all of those who knock on our doors asking for assistance! We are the hands and the feet of Jesus Christ, and we have pledged to be part of his ministry to the world!

This reminds me of the eloquent lyrics written by Steve Green in the rousing spiritual entitled

“Find Us Faithful”.

“We're pilgrims on the journey of the narrow road
and those who've gone before us line the way.
Cheering on the faithful; encouraging the weary;
their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace.

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
Let us run the race not only for the prize,
but as those who've gone before us.
Let us leave to those behind us the heritage of faithfulness
passed on thru godly lives.

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful.
May the fire of our devotion light their way.
May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe
and the lives we live inspire them to obey.

Oh may all who come behind us “Find Us Faithful”…


July 2nd—Ashley Dunkin July 3rd—Wayne Clayton

July 6th—Barbara Edwards July 7th—Mary Alice Denton

July 8th—Jane Jennings July 8th—Grace Anne Dunkin

July 10th—Barbara Wellman July 10th—Carter Henson

July 11th—Mason McMahan July 11th—Clay Hardy

July 11th—David Allen July 11th—Ben Boston

July 15th—Jim Oliver July 22nd—Maddie Shultz

July 22nd—Maddie Shultz July 26th—Loulie Brown

July 27th—Beth Dube Callie Henson—July 27th

July 30th—Harper Brewer

Adventures of the Parsonage Committee

This past week we said farewell to Pastor Kent Bailey as we were also offering kind welcome greetings to Pastor Tory Dillard. The parsonage committee spent this past Friday sweeping the welcome rug, spot cleaning, and moving furniture in preparation for Pastor Tory. Tory will be moving and taking possession of the FUMC parsonage on Monday, July 1st, and he will begin his ministry with us the following Sunday on July 7th. Everyone is excited and abuzz about our new minister, and Pastor Tori shares our enthusiasm! Members of the parsonage committee participating in the parsonage cleaning and inspection were: Gracie Henson, Bonnie Thigpen, Nancy Moore, and Carol James. Additional workers, Gayle and Steve Wright were accompanied by their adorable grands, Haley and Hollis. Furniture movers were Rex McMasters, Wayne Richardson, and Sid James. The momentous task was accomplished by busy hands and fast work. We appreciate and applaud everyone who participated in this endeavor.

...Children & Youth are invited to a swim party at the home of Martha Jo and Jerry Gibbs (675 Old Florence Road), on Saturday, July 20th at 2:30 pm.

...Bundt cakes are needed for the Saturday Community meal that will be hosted by First UMC, on Saturday, July 13. You may drop them off at the church office during office hours. Thanks for your help!

“Meet and Greet” for Pastor Tory Dillard

…Christians Connect will meet on Sunday, July 14th, in the Wesley Classroom, following the early service. This will also serve as a “Meet and Greet”, for Bro. Tory Dillard. Everyone is encouraged to come by and meet the new pastor and start getting to know him as he starts his ministry with the church family.

...The Nurture Committee will meet on Monday, July 8th, at 5:30 pm.


Camp Thrive is July 27th, at 9 am., and is a back to school resource day! First UMC will have a table set up at this event and we are buying 150 packs of pencils to give to the children who benefit from this event. If you would like to volunteer to help, please let Tracy know. Adult volunteers only please. If you have any questions, please let Tracy know. Thanks for your help in our community!

Dear Church Family,

The following kids will at Cedar Crest Camp on these dates. We would love for you to send them an email or emails; you can write everyday if you wish.

Please put the child’s name in the subject line of your email. As always, thank you for your support!

Bryce McMahan (July 7-9) Alex Slater (July 7-12)

Kaycee McMahan (July 7-12) Sammy Evers (July 7-12)

Sloane Story (July 7-12) Ruby Becker (July 14-19)

Jake Shultz (July 21-26) Nina Shultz (July 21-26)

Maddie Shultz (July 21-26) Kyleigh Henson (July 21-26)

Connor Jones (July 21-26) Mason McMahan (July 21-26)


There will be a swim gathering at the home of John and Carol Beasley (49 Cardinal Court) on Sunday, July 14th, at 6 pm. Please remember to bring lawn chairs and (towels if you plan to swim). Finger foods are needed (items easy to pick up and eat). Please let Carol Beasley know if you can bring ice cream. Everyone is welcome!!!

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Roy Harlan Dorothy Booth Courtney Ricaurte

Kathy Belew Lynn Burns Barbara Wellman

Hazel Perry Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Gordon Lewis Marty Crews

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Bob Brown

Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio Danny Carter

Patricia Chapman Jackson Murtha Jeff Weeks

Michael Assad Susan Beuerlein Joan Emerson

Meredith McCoy McCraw Carroll & Cathy Curry

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Warren & Barbara Webster

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Cliff Philpot Kade Shultz Jerry Gibbs

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Cissy Holt

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua Dr. Scott Benefield & Family

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, July 9th

Linda Newton, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Thursday, July 11th

Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Liam Bradley & Greyson Gruca

Adult Helper: Dawn Bradley

Ushers for Sunday July 7th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Jerry Gibbs, Ken Nelson

Wayne Richardson

June 24, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse, By Schnozz…

During my brief stay with my friends at FUMC I have come to appreciate the attention everyone gives to the worship music. I have never seen so many musical instruments packed away in the corners of this giant church plant! I found two beautiful organs to enhance the worship services for the 8:30 and 10:30 crowds, and then let’s talk about our giant inventory of percussive instruments. We own 7 regular pianos, plus the beautiful grand piano donated by Tim Porter a few years ago, and a toddler-sized Steinway in the nursery. In addition we have an electronic keyboard (given by an anonymous donor) that will make a large beautiful array of sounds to enhance our music in the sanctuary. In the choir room I found an impressive pair of Latin percussion drums, melodic cosmic percussion chimes, 2 vibra slaps, finger symbols, thunder and rain sticks, wood blocks, and all sorts of shake-a-ma-jiggers like eggs, rattlers, jingle bells and a tambourine! We have also accumulated three octaves of golden hand bells for adults and two octaves of colorful hand bells for the children. Furthermore, I found a full set of children’s rhythm band instruments, four kazoos and a harmonica! All of these instruments have one common bond. They won’t play themselves like our CD players. They require being paired with a person who has dedicated themselves to learning the art of percussive music making. Some require more training than others. I have heard Sid James brag about playing the vibra slap for forty years. Of course, we all know he rarely can be taken seriously.

On the other hand Sid and Carol’s daughter, Leslie Hunt, has been a serious percussive student all of her life. Leslie was introduced to the piano when she and Lara’s grandparents, Dot and Jim Parkes, donated their piano to their grandchildren. In addition, Dot insisted on paying for their private piano lessons. On several occasions when the girls began to tire of taking lessons, Carol would remind them how disappointed their Nana would be if they quit. Leslie began her quest to master the piano when she was in second grade under the tutelage of Betty Wright. Betty was “strictly business” about the piano lessons and about practicing her assignments at home. While Leslie completed private piano lessons through her senior year of high school, she also played percussive instruments for the Big Gold Machine for six years. When Leslie entered MTSU she wanted to continue music lessons so she signed up for two years of private concert piano lessons with the MTSU maestro. After Leslie’s tour of college, she came home, and began playing piano for the FUMC worship service. After thirty-five years at the keyboard, Leslie dearly loves sharing her talent with her church family. We are so very fortunate to have a person with her level of talent willing and dedicated to serve in our worship services! We currently have some youngsters who are now pursuing the art of the piano. We need to encourage our young talented piano students to keep on keeping on and never give up!

“Meet and Greet” for Bro. Tory Dillard

…Christians Connect will meet on Sunday, July 14th, in the Wesley Classroom, following the early service. This will also serve as a “Meet and Greet”, for Bro. Tory Dillard. You are encouraged to come by and meet the new pastor and start getting to know him as he starts his ministry with the church family. There will be a basket for gift cards (such as Wal-mart, Kroger, or one of the local restaurants), as he will be new to town and learning his way around town! Thank you!

200th Year Celebration

You are invited to the

200 Years of Sharing

God’s Eternal Grace Celebration


First United Methodist Church

212 Waterloo Street

Lawrenceburg, TN

Sunday, August 4, 2024

June has a Fifth Sunday (June 30th), and we will collect non-food items for the Loaves and Fishes Food pantry. This month’s most needed items are as follows:





Bar Soap

Toilet Paper

Dish detergent

Laundry detergent

You may bring these items with you to church on that Sunday, or drop your items off at the church office during office hours Monday through Friday.

The Two Hundred Year Celebration Is Almost Here!

Time is ticking, and our “Celebration Extravaganza” is closer than we think. Miss Tracy began practicing the children’s historic play this past Sunday morning, and she plans to practice the 5 remaining Sunday mornings during Sunday school. It will be quite an ordeal to place all of our children in this production, and for them to know what is expected of them. There are several speaking parts, and many more parts that require no speaking, but acting. Miss Tracy will need assistance to pull off this major undertaking with her large cadre of children. She needs help managing children off stage as well as placing children on stage during the rehearsals. It is very important for parents to encourage their children, and make sure they are present for the remaining rehearsals. This most certainly will be a terrific opportunity and an exciting experience for the children and our listening audience as well! Anyone who has had drama training will know a successful performance is not happenchance. It requires everyone being willing to put their best foot forward and be 100% dedicated to the production. We already know that our children at FUMC are a very talented group who will accept nothing but their best efforts. We wish to thank everyone who is participating in this production. With God’s help we can do anything, and we have faith our children will achieve at the highest level possible! We also have faith our parents will have children present and on time for rehearsals, and they will do everything in their power to encourage their children. Our children will be making an outstanding memory and will look back on this event with pride and enthusiasm when they fondly remember their part in the “Two Hundred Year Celebration”! Yeah, team!

Hey Church Family,

Progress continues to happen upstairs in the Education Building. The Godly

Playroom has been under construction since earlier this year. Ms. Tracy took classes

to be certified in teaching Godly Play. This is the First Godly playroom in Lawrence

County. I cannot wait for you all to explore the beauty of children learning about God

in a playful way. This room is for the children of the church. Thank you church family

for your continued support! Tracy


Camp Thrive is July 27th, at 9 am., and is a back to school resource day! First UMC will have a table set up at this event and we are buying 150 packs of pencils to give to the children who benefit from this event. If you would like to volunteer to help, please let Tracy know. Adult volunteers only please. If you have any questions, please let Tracy know. Thanks for your help in our community!

Dear Church Family,

On Sunday, during Sunday school hour from now until August 4th, the children and youth will have play practice for our 200 year celebration. If you would like for your kids to be in the play, please try to make these practices.

Thank you, Tracy

Dear Church Family,

The following kids will at Cedar Crest Camp on these dates. We would love for you to send them an email or emails; you can write everyday if you wish.

Please put the child’s name in the subject line of your email. As always, thank you for your support!

Jakob Torrey (June 23-28

Serenity Hendrix (June 23-28) Bryce McMahan (July 7-9)

Alex Slater (July 7-12) Kaycee McMahan (July 7-12)

Sammy Evers (July 7-12) Sloane Story (July 7-12)

Ruby Becker (July 14-19) Jake Shultz (July 21-26)

Nina Shultz (July 21-26) Maddie Shultz (July 21-26)

Kyleigh Henson (July 21-26) Connor Jones (July 21-26)

Mason McMahan (July 21-26)

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Dorothy Booth (SHC; Rm. 109) Courtney Ricaurte

Kathy Belew Lynn Burns Barbara Wellman

Hazel Perry Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Jessica Wood Gordon Lewis Marty Crews

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Bob Brown

Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio Danny Carter

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Jackson Murtha

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susan Beuerlein

Meredith McCoy McCraw Joan Emerson Jeff Weeks

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Carroll & Cathy Curry

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Warren & Barbara Webster

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Cliff Philpot Kade Shultz Jerry Gibbs

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Cissy Holt

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, July 2nd

Sharon Loete, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, July 4th


Acolytes for Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Maria McMahan & Alexa Slater

Ushers for Sunday June 23rd, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Dwain Bradley, Adam Slater

Mike Hardy

June 17, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse, By Schnozz…

This past week I snuck into Pastor Kent’s office and I noticed he was busy as a whirlwind packing up books and important papers. I overheard him telling Terri that he would not be available after Sunday services. Pastor Kent was not only packing it up, he was also packing it in. After thirty-seven years of active ministry he will be taking a well-deserved vacation and a hiatus from the ministry. During my short time with Pastor Kent, I have observed him being a kind, friendly, and easy-going guy. Since he has announced his retirement I have had an opportunity to snoop around and hear what the church family had to say about him. Foremost were compliments on Pastor Kent’s eloquent sermon delivery. Everyone seemed to agree that he was a master of the clock. Pastor Kent had excellent timing. He could say more in ten or fifteen minutes than most of his colleagues could not get said in an hour. His messages were always Christ centered, timely and appropriate. It seems to be everyone’s hope and desire that Pastor Kent will enjoy his retirement and his opportunity to become well rested and rehabilitated. Since 1824 Pastor Kent served as our one hundred and thirty-third appointed pastor. During the early years of the circuit riding pastors we were lucky to have two appointed pastors who would each make two visits per month, and were very lucky if any of the pastors remained longer than a year.

Before I signed on to be the regular church mouse for FUMC, I liked to hang around the Lawrence County Archives. I felt right at home among the stacks of musty smelling paper. By happenchance one day I stumbled over a meticulous diary that was kept by William Thomas Nixon (1847 – 1915). This man was a jack of all trades. He tinkered with old watches, worked as a solicitor and an oath-bearer, and on the weekends when he wasn’t fly fishing, he filled in as a lay clergyman. After the conclusion of the civil war he began holding Sunday morning services for the black community at one of Mr. William Parkes’ fabric mills. During the same time period, First Methodist Church began holding Sunday evening services filling the podium with volunteer speakers from the other protestant churches in town. Occasionally he was asked to speak. Other times the podium would be filled from representatives from “Presbyterians, Methodists, and Campbellites.” From these crowded meetings Nixon concluded the denominations had more similarities than differences and a comradery of respect and appreciation developed among the congregations. Back then on Sunday, church was the only amusement in town. Today there are a zillion ways a feller can spend a Sunday. It makes me proud that after 200 years FUMC holds firm its faith in Jesus Christ, and the good news of Jesus Christ continues to muster a crowd. Until next time…

“Meet and Greet” for Bro. Tory Dillard

…Christians Connect will meet on Sunday, July 14th, in the Wesley Classroom, following the early service. This will also serve as a “Meet and Greet”, for Bro. Tory Dillard. You are encouraged to come by and meet the new pastor and start getting to know him as he starts his ministry with the church family. There will be a basket for gift cards (such as Wal-mart, Kroger, or one of the local restaurants), as he will be new to town and learning his way around town. Your help is much appreciated!

200th Year Celebration

You are invited to the

200 Years of Sharing

God’s Eternal Grace Celebration


First United Methodist Church

212 Waterloo Street

Lawrenceburg, TN

Sunday, August 4, 2024

June has a Fifth Sunday (June 30th), and we will collect non-food items for the Loaves and Fishes Food pantry. This month’s most needed items are as follows:





Bar Soap

Toilet Paper

Dish detergent

Laundry detergent

You may bring these items with you to church on that Sunday, or drop your items off at the church office during office hours Monday through Friday.

4th Grade Competition—National Elementary Beta Club Convention

This past weekend 4th grade participants from Crockett, New Prospect and Lawrenceburg Public School competed in the National Elementary Beta Club competition in Savannah, Georgia. This is an annual contest to determine the best and brightest students in America. Lawrence County Schools were very well represented and our kids brought home several prestigious awards. Pictured in the photograph are Izzy Methvin, Owen Durham, Callie Henson, and Sammy Evers. This group won 3rd place in the Quiz Bowl, and all of the Lawrenceburg Public School participants won 3rd place in the Song Fest. In individual awards, Callie Henson won 6th place in Social Studies, and Sammy Evers won 1st place in Mathematics! If you happen to see Callie and Sammy at church on Sunday, be certain to congratulate them on their super-fantastic performance! Sooo Awesome!

There will be a Mobile Food Pantry on June 22nd, at Rotary Park. They will be using the back portion of the park beginning around 9 am. Many volunteers will be needed for this. If you can help, please be there between 7:30 and 8:00 am.


Camp Thrive is July 27th, at 9 am., and is a back to school resource day! First UMC will have a table set up at this event and we are buying 150 packs of pencils to give to the children who benefit from this event. If you would like to volunteer to help, please let Tracy know. Adult volunteers only please. If you have any questions, please let Tracy know. Thanks for your help in our community!

Dear Church Family,

On Sunday, during Sunday school hour from now until August 4th, the children and youth will have play practice for our 200 year celebration. If you would like for your kids to be in the play, please try to make these practices.

Thank you, Tracy

Dear Church Family,

The following kids will at Cedar Crest Camp on these dates. We would love for you to send them an email or emails; you can write everyday if you wish.

Please put the child’s name in the subject line of your email. As always, thank you for your support!

Max Winters (June 16-21) Jakob Torrey (June 23-28

Serenity Hendrix (June 23-28) Bryce McMahan (July 7-9)

Alex Slater (July 7-12) Kaycee McMahan (July 7-12)

Sammy Evers (July 7-12) Sloane Story (July 7-12)

Ruby Becker (July 14-19) Jake Shultz (July 21-26)

Nina Shultz (July 21-26) Maddie Shultz (July 21-26)

Kyleigh Henson (July 21-26) Connor Jones (July 21-26)

Mason McMahan (July 21-26)

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Dorothy Booth (SHC; Rm. 109) Courtney Ricaurte (at home now)

Kathy Belew Lynn Burns Barbara Wellman

Hazel Perry Ladye Ezell Beth Duncan

Jessica Wood Gordon Lewis

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Sue Biven

Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Marty Crews

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Bob Brown

Meredith McCoy McCraw Susan Beuerlein

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Danny Carter

Jeff Weeks Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Cliff Philpot Kade Shultz Jerry Gibbs

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Cissy Holt

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, June 25th

Linda Newton, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, June 27th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Lucy Winters & Sammy Evers

June 10, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse, By Schnozz…

During my tenure as a church mouse I have had the privilege to enjoy some excellent “Southern Gospel Music”. Did you know the famous and historic James David Vaughn and his family were members here? In fact the James Vaughn music industry attracted several important musical families to our church. Besides being the chairman of the sanctuary building committee (1909-1912­) he and his wife were very active members in all church activities. The Knippers family came from Louisiana to participate in the Vaughn quartets and the Vaughn music schools. W.B. Walbert, who married Grace Vaughn (James’ daughter), and their son James D. Walbert (“The Wizard of the Keyboard”) were also composers and gifted singers, all of whom joined our church. Talented gospel musicians continue to be attracted to our church family, and they come to Lawrenceburg each year for the Southern Gospel Music Jubilee.

Current musical notoriety, Judge David Allen, is no exception. Since 1987 he has served our church family as “Chancel Choir Director”. During that time he also has been an active member of the “Wesley Chimes Bell Choir” and has served as our “Director of Worship Music”. David has been a life-long student of music who studied piano for ten years. When David was 13 he taught himself how to play guitar so that he could accompany his father who played the harmonica. He began his tenure as choir director at the age of 16 with the Mt. Horeb Baptist Church. David received his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and Voice from MTSU in 1974. While he was in college he directed the choir at Bel Aire Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, followed by a one year job as choir director at a Christian Church in the vicinity, and three additional years at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Lawrenceburg. After David graduated from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, he came home to Lawrence County and began his law practice. Once he was established in Lawrenceburg he became an active member of First United Methodist Church. In addition to being a gifted musician, David has also been a successful attorney and a Circuit Judge who has gained respect and admiration in the fields of music and law. Our church family is so incredibly lucky to have a kind natured Maestro who vigorously serves our risen Lord! The next time you bump into David express your appreciation to him for freely sharing his gift of music with our church family. Until next time…

June has a Fifth Sunday (June 30th), and we will collect non-food items for the Loaves and Fishes Food pantry. This month’s most needed items are as follows:





Bar Soap

Toilet Paper

Dish detergent

Laundry detergent

You may bring these items with you to church on that Sunday, or drop your items off at the church office during office hours Monday through Friday.


On Sunday, June 16th, there will be a reception for Bro. Kent and Mary from 9:30 to 10:15 in the Wesley classroom. This will be Bro. Kent’s last Sunday with us, and we would like to offer this time for thanking him for his service with our church. There will be a place for you to leave cards if you wish and refreshments will be provided.

The Nurture Committee felt this would be a good time to bring together everyone from both services and hope you will be able to attend. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to leave a card with Terri in the church office before the 16th.

There will be a Mobile Food Pantry on June 22nd, at Rotary Park. They will be using the back portion of the park beginning around 8 am. Many volunteers will be needed for this. If you can help, please be there between 7:30 and 8:00 am.

...The Trustees committee will meet on Monday, June 17th, at 6 pm. Members of the Trustees committee are: Adam Slater-Chairperson, Chase Brewer, Beverly Duke, Gary Lisnak, Mary Ann Clayton, Beth Benson, Jansen Holt, Kevin Cisco.

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Dorothy Booth (SHC; Rm. 109)

Kathy Belew Lynn Burns Courtney Ricaurte

Hazel Perry Ladye Ezell Jerry Godsey

Jessica Wood Gordon Lewis Barbara Wellman

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Sue Biven

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Brandon White

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Susie De Antonio

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Marty Crews

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Bob Brown

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Susan Beuerlein

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Danny Carter

Jeff Weeks Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Cliff Philpot Kade Shultz

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, June 18th

Sharon Loete, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, June 20th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Nina Shultz

Jake Shultz

Ushers for Sunday June 16th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Dwain Bradley

Adam Slater, Wayne Richardson

June 5, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse, By Schnozz…

One of my favorite hangouts on the FUMC campus has been the old Fellowship Hall located under our sanctuary. The builders left a nice mouse corridor between the foundation and the basement wall perfect for safe strolls out of sight of foot traffic. For the past month it has been especially noisy due to the VBS shenanigans. The music, singing, laughter and squealing of the hoard of happy children have been quite unsettling for a mouse! While I was hiding in the basement I recalled a story that had been passed down through countless generations of my mouse clan. It all began with the terrible, ravishing war of WWII. Almost all (ten million) of the able bodied men in the United States ages 18 and beyond were drafted by our government and were inducted into the armed services 1939-1945. Jerry Thomas became a member of our church in 1935. He became a paratrooper in 1944, and was sent to New Guinea in 1945. After enduring countless hardship and fighting he made the supreme sacrifice in the performance of his duty February 19, 1945. On September 2, 1945 after six years of fighting, the war ended and our veterans made their way back home. They came with a renewed sense of reverence and commitment to God. The young veterans formed a men’s Sunday Bible class named in honor of their fallen comrade, Jerry Thomas, and began meeting in the large classroom located to the rear of the sanctuary. After a short period of time they had outgrown the large classroom, and they began brainstorming ideas for constructing a much larger meeting place on the church campus. When the sanctuary building was constructed (1909-1912) there was no basement under the building. With grit and determination the men decided they would dig out a basement space with pics and shovels. They would haul out the dirt in wheelbarrows and evenly spread it on the church grounds. The exact date of the project has been lost in time, but it was most likely accomplished in the summer months of the late 1940s. The men would assemble in the evenings after work and chisel away at the mountain of dirt that had to be cleared so that their dream of a larger assembly area could be accomplished. Buck Brown served as the job superintendent, and all of the young men eagerly embraced the project until it was finally completed. While they were digging the enormous hole they decided to also dig out a space for a kitchen so that the area could be used for pot luck dinners. The hard labor of the project bonded the men together, and very soon the Jerry Thomas Bible Class was also attracting more men throughout Lawrenceburg. Word spread about their miracle basement, and soon thereafter the entire congregation and community began enjoying the serendipity of the hand dug basement that miraculously became “Fellowship Hall”. That’s what Paul Harvey called “the rest of the story.” With God’s help, anything is possible! Until next time…

A Pastor’s Thoughts,

The date of my last Sunday in the pulpit will be Father’s Day, June 16th. I will be moving to my retirement home in Collierville, Tennessee, following the meeting of the Annual Conference in Murfreesboro.

Rev. Tom Gibson on Dr. Vona Wilson’s staff will be preaching on June 23rd at both services. On July 30th, David Allen will lead a service of music as worship, in one service only at 10:30am. Rev. Tori Dillard will be in the pulpit of both services starting July 2nd.

My daughter Mary will work at the law firm of an old friend, Jefferson Gilder. We will be sharing residence with her dog, Ross. The city of Collierville and the Collierville First United Methodist Church is a place where I have many old friends. My father served the church twice, my parents are buried in Magnolia Cemetery, owned by the town, both of my parent’s funeral celebrations were in the church, Mary was baptized in the old sanctuary.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your pastor for the last two years. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am almost 69 years old and have 42 years of time in serving the church. It’s time to relax and enjoy my grandchildren. Tori Dillard will be your pastor, not I. I will be an old friend. Tori will lead the church with strength and grace, into a bright future.

My address will be available with Terri in the office.

Kent Bailey

June has a Fifth Sunday (June 30th), and we will collect non-food items for the Loaves and Fishes Food pantry. This month’s most needed items are as follows:





Bar Soap

Toilet Paper

Dish detergent

Laundry detergent

You may bring these items with you to church on that Sunday, or drop your items off at the church office during office hours Monday through Friday.


On Sunday, June 16th, there will be a reception for Bro. Kent and Mary from 9:30 to 10:15 in the Wesley classroom. This will be Bro. Kent’s last Sunday with us, and we would like to offer this time for thanking him for his service with our church. There will be a place for you to leave cards if you wish and refreshments will be provided.

The Nurture Committee felt this would be a good time to bring together everyone from both services and hope you will be able to attend. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to leave a card with Terri in the church office before the 16th.

Dear Church Family,

We want to thank you all for your many acts of kindness during Wayne’s surgery and rehab./recovery, as well as my recent heart procedure. We appreciate all your calls, cards, the food and most of all your prayers during this time. We have been reminded daily how blessed we are to be part of such a loving and giving church.

The Clayton Family

There will be a Mobile Food Pantry on June 22nd, at Rotary Park. They will be using the back portion of the park beginning around 8 am. Many volunteers will be needed for this. If you can help, please be there between 7:30 and 8:00 am.

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Dorothy Booth (Recovering from broken hip and surgery; will be coming to SHC)

Kathy Belew Heart Surgery at Vanderbilt on Monday, (June 10th)

Lynn Burns

Courtney Ricaurte Hazel Perry Ladye Ezell

Jessica Wood Gordon Lewis Jerry Godsey

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Barbara Wellman

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Brandon White

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Darryl Watson

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susie De Antonio

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Marty Crews

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Bob Brown

Danny Carter Jeff Weeks Susan Beuerlein

Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Mark Brewer

Cliff Philpot Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Kade Shultz

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, June 11th

Linda Newton, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, June 13th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, June 9th, 2024

Wyatt Cisco

Max Winters

Ushers for Sunday June 9th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Jerry Gibbs

Ken Nelson, Wayne Richardson

May 27, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse, By Schnozz…

Yesterday, I overheard Carol Beasley and Sid James discussing our Bicentennial Celebration for August 4th. Carol assured Sid the “Wesley Chimes” bell choir would be ringing in the celebration for us with new and lively bell music. Oh, how I love it when they “ring those golden bells for you and me”! Carol began her study of music at First United Methodist Church under Zoe Harris (Martin Methodist concert pianist) when she was knee high to a puddle duck. After eight years of study, she transitioned to organ lessons with Jane Bradbury (FUMC organist) for four more years. Carol shared her talent on the organ and guitar with her FUMC MYF buddies during high school. During middle school she began playing the French horn for the LCHS Big Gold Machine. Her senior year in high school Carol directed the Big Gold Machine serving as the drum major. Carol continued to play French horn in college concert band for three years. In 1982 Carol came home and started playing bells with the Wesley Chimes and served as the youth choir bell director. After 42 years of playing bells at FUMC she is now a little taller than a puddle duck and she is a gifted bell choir director who freely gives her talent helping bells ringers of all ages. She also gives a great deal of credit to her son, Scott who was often plucked on short notice to serve as her first alternate when there was a vacancy in the bell choir. Thank you, Carol, for sharing your beautiful gift with us all! We look forward to the selection you have chosen for our celebration extravaganza! Wow! That all adds up to 61 years for preparation and dedication to her music offertory to Jesus Christ! I would never have guessed she was a day older than 38!

This past week I was snooping around the Wesley classroom when I came upon the SPRC meeting in progress. Our District Superintendent, Dr. Vona Wilson, was escorting our new Pastor, Rev. Tory Dillard, for a “meet and greet” session with our energetic committee. As soon as they entered, the room was aglow with smiling faces. The first thing I notice was that Tory is a young whippersnapper with slick black hair! When Tory began to meet and greet, I was impressed with his firm handshake and confident voice. But the most impressive thing about him was the umpteen times he said the word “work”! His remarkable resume echoed his work with the three congregations he is currently serving just went of the Tennessee River. This young man is on fire for Jesus Christ, and he is on his way to be a worker for God’s kingdom with our church family. He also mentioned several times that he expected our congregation to be works as well! Exciting times are around the corner! Let’s roll up our sleeves and get busy! Until next time…

Update on our Bicentennial Celebration Extravaganza

Sunday, August 4th

Groundwork is being laid for our 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, August 4th. Rev. Fred Harpers’ three girls, Lydia, Laurie, and Lisa, who grew up with our church family when their father was pastor here, have been contacted, and they have agreed to sing for us. The trio has sung professionally for many years and they will be participating in the worship service. Former Pastors, Rev. James Sewell and Rev. Jim Gardner have also agreed to take part in our celebratory service. The Chancel Choir has begun to brush up on some hymns from the historic Cokesbury Worship Hymnal because a few of these old favorite hymns will be featured in a congregational sing-along. The Wesley Chimes will be ringing in the celebration as well. The children and youth will perform a historical skit during the Sunday school hour beginning at 9:30 a.m. Mac Brown Photographers will be on hand to compose a large group picture during the service, and additional pics will be made after the worship service. The “after worship” photography session will give our dining room organizers an opportunity to stay for the entire worship service. Chef Clint Evers has agreed to prepare delicious meat entrees for the potluck dinner scheduled at the conclusion of 10:30 worship service. Other unannounced surprises are also being planned. There will be no formal homily. Instead we are planning more prayer, responsive readings and testimonials. Mark your calendars and make Sunday, August 4th a “must attend” event. Invite family members and friends to also attend this historic celebration extravaganza! Plan to come to Sunday school so that you can have Dibbs on a good seat, and bring a dish for the potluck dinner.

Acolyte list

**June 2nd – Emma Grace Olive & Landyn Gruca

***Keri McMahan

June 9th – Wyatt Cisco & Max Winters

June 16th – Nina & Jake Shultz

June 23rd – Lucy Winters & Sammy Evers

June 30th – Maria McMahan & Alexa Slater

**July 7th – Liam Bradley & Greyson Gruca

***Dawn Bradley

July 14th – Kaycee McMahan & Hunter Anne Phelps

July 21st – Bryce McMahan & Emma Grace Olive

July 28th – Luci Long & Max Winters

**Aug 4th – Nina & Jake Shultz

***Tracy Evers

Aug 11th – Greyson Gruca & Sammy Evers

Aug 18th – Wyatt Cisco & Liam Bradley

Aug 25th – Lucy Winters & Alexa Slater

PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT GO TO “LITTLE CHURCH” WHEN YOU ARE SERVING AS ACOLYTE. You will be needed in the service for offering and candles. Thank you.

** If you have longer hair, please wear it pulled back from your face when serving communion. Thank you!

*** Adult helper to swap juice trays for acolytes.

If you are unable to make it on the Sunday you are listed, please contact the church office, Dawn Bradley, or Keri McMahan. Thank you!

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

The Family of Robert Thomas “Bobby” Chapman (Teresa Carey’s dad passed away)

Hazel Perry (Janice Bailey’s mother) Ladye Ezell

Jessica Wood Gordon Lewis Jerry Godsey

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Barbara Wellman

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Brandon White

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Darryl Watson

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susie De Antonio

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Marty Crews

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Bob Brown

Danny Carter Jeff Weeks Susan Beuerlein

Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Mark Brewer

Cliff Philpot Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Kade Shultz

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, June 2nd

Sharon Loete, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, June 4th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Emma Grace Olive & Landyn Gruca

Adult helper Keri McMahan

Ushers for Sunday June 2nd, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Dwain Bradley, Adam Slater

Clint Evers

May 20, 2024

On rare occasions I have the opportunity to witness something that is so incredibly beautiful and heartrending I have to pull out my typewriter and begin writing immediately. I don’t want this fleeting moment to pass without revisiting its spiritual significance! Over the years I have had the pleasure to observe many Bible presentations to 3rd graders, but folks, today’s ceremony knocked my socks off! Miss Tracy took the liberty of her message moment this past Sunday to make each third grader feel loved and important. This is exactly what she said:

“(child’s name), remember, you are wonderfully made by God, and he has a special plan for your life. As you read this Bible, know that every story and verse is meant to guide you, comfort you, and remind you of God’s endless love! Keep this verse close to your heart: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!’ (Jeremiah 29:11) Please accept this Bible with love and blessings from your First United Methodist Church family.”

Brother Kent concluded his message by endorsing the magnitude of the presentation ceremony by reminding us he still owns his third grade Bible that he continues to cherish. He also shared with everyone how his current pulpit Bible was coming apart at the seams from years of study and research. He encouraged the children to make personal notes and highlight significant passages every time they use it. The Bible award winners were: Eli Cone, Grace Dunkin, Matthew Garner, Kaycee McMahan, Jake Shultz, Alexa Slater, and Max Thigpen. Wow! That was a proud and happy bunch of kids and parents today! You would have thought they had won the lottery. When they digest the good news of Jesus Christ, they will have no doubt they really did! God has made big plans for all of our futures!

Vacation Bible School is still going strong! The core group of dedicated volunteers has done a phenomenal job steering the VBS ship while Miss Tracy was away with Sammy who has been ill. We wish the very best for Sammy while she recovers, and humbly pray she and Miss Tracy will soon return. It takes everyone working together for the mission of Jesus Christ to garner success! We all can be workers in his kingdom! Until next time…

June Birthdays

June 3rd Gary Lisnak June 4th Larry Baile

Ada Hancock Beth Brazier

June 5th Dan Jennings June 8th Nina Shultz

June 8th Nina Shultz June 10th Ivey (Brewer) Moser

June 11th Gracie Trousdale June 15th Jon Brewer

June 16th Beverly Philpot June 17th Jaxon & Jaceon Dunkin

June 23rd Ken Nelson June 24th John Johnstone

Sharon Loete

June 26th Tony Clayton June 30th Skyler Trousdale

Wednesday Night Supper Vacation Bible School

(May 29th, 2024)

Pizza Salad Nutty Bar truck

Workers: Volunteer II Group: Randy & Nancy Brewer, Beverly Duke, Cornelia Wood, Linda Ledbetter, Jerry Gibbs

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Wayne Clayton-Encompass Health & Rehabilitation

1000 Physicians Way, Franklin, TN 37067 (Room 218)

Ladye Ezell Mary Ann Clayton Jerry Godsey

Jessica Wood Jim Wood Gordon Lewis

Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb Barbara Wellman

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Brandon White

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Darryl Watson

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susie De Antonio

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Marty Crews

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Bob Brown

Danny Carter Jeff Weeks Susan Beuerlein

Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph Mark Brewer

Cliff Philpot Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Kade Shultz

Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, May 28th

Linda Newton, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, May 30th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, May 19th, 2024


Ushers for Sunday May 19th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Jerry Gibbs, Ken Nelson

Wayne Richardson

May 13, 2024

Recently I had taken a nap under the organ when I was suddenly jolted awake by Jerry Tipper who had come to rehearse his Sunday music. I’ll bet most of you didn’t know that regular as clock-work; Jerry appears every week at church between regular services to brush up on the music he presents for worship. Artists of the organ are rare as hen’s teeth these days and we are truly blessed that someone with Jerry’s skill, enthusiasm and loyalty chose to be a member of our family! Jerry became dedicated to the organ at the age of 15. Very soon after he began taking lessons he was asked to play at the Greenwood Methodist Church. He began playing regularly with First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant for 6 years. His next gig was with Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Lawrenceburg. During his 15th year there a FUMC former member, JoAnn Erwin, came to visit him at his Antique Shop in Lawrenceburg. She forcefully persuaded Jerry to serve as organist at First United Methodist Church in Lawrenceburg. Jerry began by saying “no” to her offer, but when JoAnn began dazzling Jerry with her charm, and explained that she was not leaving his store until he said yes, Jerry relented. The rest is history. Jerry has faithfully served our family for the past 22 years! Wow! That is an incredible 43 years of continuous music ministry! Praise the Lord! Jerry’s music gets better all of the time! I overheard him telling a friend his music could be even so much better if our family would spring for a new organ for the sanctuary. He said a top of the line “new generation” Rogers Organ is about $60,000. I found three pennies under the organ. I immediately shuffled them into the collection plate to begin raising funds for our new organ! Jerry performs his magic at the keyboard and we give God the glory, rarely contemplating Jerry’s dedication to his musical craft! Take a few moments in the near future to reflect on Jerry’s music ministry, and show your appreciation to Jerry for a job well done!

The Sunday morning pancake breakfast/youth fund drive was a smashing success! Extra tables had to be set up to service the large crowd. I heard that about a thousand bucks was raised. The youth are planning a “Meet On The Mountain” retreat at Beersheba Springs the last weekend in June, and most of the money raised will go toward funding their trip. Thanks to Janson Holt, Brian Shultz, Adam Slater, Tim Porter, Clint Evers and Clara Lerner, and all of the pancake patrons for their hard work and diligent effort in making the fund drive a triumphant reality!

And one more thing, Columbo! The children’s Mothers’ Day greetings were among the sweetest things I have ever heard! Until next time…

...You are invited to

A Bridal Brunch for

Dezarae Clark & Jon Patrick Story

Saturday, May 18th

10:00am.—12 noon

In the Parlor of

First United Methodist Church

Registries include:

Miss Millie’s, Williams-Sanoma

West Elm

Please join us to celebrate Dezarae & JP!

Wednesday Night Supper

Vacation Bible School

(May 22nd, 2024)

Adults $10 VBS Volunteers

Children & Youth eat free

Mexican Meal with all the trimmings

Workers: Upper Room-John & Carol Beasley, John & Kathy Johnstone, Chris & Kris Fann, Dwain Bradley, Beth Dube, Brian Winters

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Wayne Clayton-Encompass Health & Rehabilitation

1000 Physicians Way, Franklin, TN 37067 (Room 218)

Barbara Wellman Wayne Clayton Jerry Godsey

Jessica Wood Jim Wood Gordon Lewis

Carole Cheatwood Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Brandon White

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Darryl Watson

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susie De Antonio

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Marty Crews

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Bob Brown

Danny Carter Jeff Weeks Susan Beuerlein

Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Holly Glogau-Morgan Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph

Cliff Philpot Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Mark Brewer

Kade Shultz Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, May 21st

Sharon Loete, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, May 23rd

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, May 12th, 2024


Ushers for Sunday May 19th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Dwain Bradley

Wayne Richardson, Adam Slater

May 6, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse—By Schnozz

Since I arrived at church a few weeks ago I continue to be amazed at all of the activity. Wow! This is one busy place! I see a regular stream of door knockers seeking help on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but also randomly appearing throughout the week asking for assistance. If that is not enough, seven years ago our church family responded to an urgent need at Ingram Sowell Elementary School. This particular school has the largest number of indigent children in the county. It was disturbing to learn that many of their students were going home for the weekend with nothing to eat. Harsh living conditions prevented them from receiving healthy nourishment. To respond to this crisis our church family partnered with Second Harvest Food bank and Ingram Sowell to find a workable solution they named “Backpacks”. Second Harvest provides the weekend snacks, and volunteers from our church family places the food into the children’s backpacks. With assistance from the school administration, students carry the food home for the weekend, and the backpacks are returned to school the following school day. We are offering kudos and cosmic sprinkles to the school officials, Second Harvest, and our church family volunteers for responding to this critical, continuing need! Our most recent list of volunteers include Bill and Ann Akers, Larry and Janice Bailey, Barbara and Bruce Edwards, Ken and Nancy Nelson, Larry and Bonnie Thigpen, Jerry and Martha Jo Gibbs, Ladye Ezell, Beverly Duke, Gracie Henson, Theresa Puckett, and Serenity Hendrix. Thank you!

The wonderful and truly amazing VBS kicked off with a sonic boom this past Wednesday evening! Over a hundred kids and adults began the event chowing down on delicious burgers and dogs in the CLC! The kids liked it so much they were asking for more! The kitchen crew is to be congratulated, again, for organizing, preparing and delivering the perfect meal for the VBS Kickoff! Miss Tracy is plowing new ground with the VBS this year spreading the fun over 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings and offering her older students an opportunity to improve their leadership skills. Her micro-management skills have payed huge dividends for the joyous children. The middle school students did a fantastic job presenting the Bible story skits! The high school students gave an awesome performance with coordinating the opening and closing assemblies and leading the music and choreography! The VBS theme this year is “Camp Firelight” based on Psalms 56:3, “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” The crafts were among the best ever, and everyone is looking forward to the science projects and recreation lad by our very own illustrious Ranger Ann. The positive feedback from the adults was very much appreciated by everyone who had a hand in making the kickoff a roaring success!

Our volunteers for Christian Witness have added a new dimension to our worship services which I have found meaningful to my personal walk of faith. I am sending a big heart-felt thank you and a mouse hug to all of our participants. This concept is actually not new at all. Witnessing is recorded in the New Testament Gospels and in several of Epistles. To be a witness to Christ is to demonstrate by words, actions and attitudes, the sacred mystery we have seen, heard, and believe in our hearts about the Lord! He has forgiven us of our sins and offered us eternal life! Our faith allows us to jumpstart our heavenly experience here on Earth. Being a member of God’s family is truly an honor and a privilege, and being a member of this vibrant church family is an incredible experience! Our God is a God of second chances who always offers forgiveness – no matter what! He hands out “Mulligans” as if every day is our birthday. God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to save the “World” of sinners like me and you! His love for us knows no bounds! We have so much for which to be thankful! Until next time...


This year’s 2024 High School graduates are: Mia Massey, Gracie Catherine Trousdale, and Mattie Pitts. The First UMC-Lawrenceburg Scholarship recipients this year are as follows:

Mia Massey—UMW-WIF Scholarship

Mattie Pitts—Jackson-McClanahan Scholarship

Gracie Catherine Trousdale—May Jones Scholarship

Third grade Bibles will be

presented on Sunday, May 19th, at the 10:30 am.

Service. Please let Mrs.

Tracy know if you have a

third grader.

...You are invited to

A Bridal Brunch for

Dezarae Clark & Jon Patrick Story

Saturday, May 18th

10:00am.—12 noon

In the Parlor of

First United Methodist Church

Registries include:

Miss Millie’s, Williams-Sanoma

West Elm

Please join us to celebrate Dezarae & JP!



The Mary Martha Circle will meet on Monday, May 13th, at 5:30 p.m. This month we are supporting The Shelter. We are asking members to bring Shell gas cards, Walmart and/or Kroger gift cards to the meeting. Anyone else who wishes to make a donation can please drop them off at the church office prior to the meeting on May 13th.

The Children/Youth ministries will be having a Pancake breakfast fund raiser on Mother’s Day in the Christian Life Center. The time will be from 9—10 a.m. Please come out and support the Children and Youth and their fund raiser. Thank you in advance for your support!

Wayne Clayton has been moved to Encompass Health & Rehabilitation Hospital in Franklin, TN.

The address is:

1000 Physicians Way

Franklin, TN 37067

Room 218

Wednesday Night Supper

Vacation Bible School

(May 15th, 2024)

Adults $10 VBS Volunteers

Children & Youth eat free

Spaghetti & Meatballs Salad

Garlic Bread Rolled Ice Cream

Workers: Wesley Class: Brenda Benson, Barbara Brewer, Layde Ezell, Gracie Henson, Judith Whaley, Nancy Moore

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Barbara Wellman Wayne Clayton Jerry Godsey

Jessica Wood Jim Wood Gordon Lewis

Carole Cheatwood Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Brandon White

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Darryl Watson

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susie De Antonio

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Marty Crews

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Bob Brown

Danny Carter Jeff Weeks Susan Beuerlein

Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Holly Glogau-Morgan Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph

Cliff Philpot Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Mark Brewer

Kade Shultz Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, May 14th

Linda Newton, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, May 16th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, May 12th, 2024


Ushers for Sunday May 12th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Jerry Gibbs

Ken Nelson, Wayne Richardson

April 29, 2024

Adventures of the Church Mouse—By Schnozz

It just goes to show you, it’s something! I was writing about our big 200 year kickoff this past Monday, and inadvertently, I got my tail hung in Terri’s copy machine. Ouch! That smarted. Now, I am making warp mouse speed trying to catch up! I thought our kick off celebration was outstanding due to everyone’s good help. The dining room organizers did an excellent job preparing the tables with beautiful flower arrangements, and setting the table with the numerous entrees. The dessert table seemed to be a mile long in mouse measurements. All of the food was scrump-dilly-licious! Everyone was having the best time eating and visiting. The gleeful shouts of the children rang throughout the massive dining hall! I also snuck over to the Sanctuary for the Bicentennial Kick Off, and I was impressed with the whole she-bang! Jerry Tipper’s prelude was indeed a splendid performance. I looked up through a crack in the ceiling and I witnessed the angles dancing! And Wow! Did you see Jerry’s flower arrangement? I would give it a 12 on a scale from 1-10! Our Lay Leader, Beth Lerner, and Pastor Kent Bailey, always speak with grace and poise making our service comfortable and meaningful. John Cathey gave a very impressive heart-felt testimonial! Several more testimonials were added by our affable children who have been trained to feel comfortable speaking to our church family. Dr. Vona Wilson, our District Superintendent, delivered a beautiful message about our Bicentennial Kickoff! The choir and congregation offered pleasing adulations to Jesus Christ through song! While I was reclined and digesting my big meal I took a moment and thanked God for the beautiful worship service. I reflected on all of the planning and practice necessary to have a flawless worship service. We have a collection of outstanding talented members that willingly rehearse so that their presentation and offering to God is nothing but the best!

Our Christian Life Center is definitely the life center of our community! Troops of people are entering and leaving the building with great regularity! We have “walkers” who come intermittently throughout the weekdays, but especially on days when the weather is uncomfortable for walking outside. Some of the walkers use this as an opportunity to greet and visit with friends during their walk. Other groups are gathering for birthday parties, retirement receptions, family reunions, and various group dinners and banquets. Our Christian Life Center has also become an enjoyable destination for our fire and police departments who compete in rousing games of pickle ball. The gym is also regularly used for practice by one of the youth center teams. All of these activities are in addition to the regularly scheduled activities planned for the use and enjoyment of our church family. These include an enormous slate of regular activities by our children and youth, Wednesday night suppers, community meals, pot luck dinners, as well as other regularly scheduled social gatherings. Yes, Siree! We are definitely a family that prays together and plays together. We are not just a Sunday morning crowd that gathers for regular worship. We have figured out the “gestalt” (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) approach is the key to growth and longevity for our church family! We open our doors to community and make outsiders feel welcome, and our family bond has been cemented by making our church campus a “Christian Life Center” enjoyed by our community! Until next time…

Thanks to Clint Evers and his bucket truck our beautiful Bicentennial Sign is hung ready to greet the public! Start planning now for a “Standing Room Only” crowd for our August 5th celebration. Our children and youth will begin our celebration around 10:00 a.m. They will present a historical skit about our church history. The 10:30 worship service will feature a collection of our favorite praise songs from the old Cokesbury Hymnal. We will also have a series of scripture readings, prayer, and more testimonials. After the 10:30 service we are all invited to take a trip down memory lane to visit our historic timeline and assorted memorabilia.

We will then assemble in the Christian Life Center for food and more surprises. Chef Clint Evers is cooking the meat! This is too good to miss! Plan family reunions and invite neighbors and friends to participate in this historic August 4th celebration!

Wednesday Night Supper Vacation Bible School

(May 8th, 2024)

Adults $10 VBS Volunteers, Children & Youth eat free

Pizza Salad

Brownies Ice Cream

Workers: Volunteer II: Randy & Nancy Brewer, Beverly Duke, Cornelia Wood; Linda Ledbetter, Jerry Gibbs

The Children/Youth ministries will be having a Pancake breakfast fund raiser on Mother’s Day in the Christian Life Center. The time will be from 9—10 a.m. Please come out and support the Children and Youth and their fund raiser. Thank you in advance for your support!

...The Prayer Shawl ministry will meet on Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:00 am.


This Sunday, May 5th, following the 10:30 am. service, we will honor our graduating seniors under the covered area at the back of the sanctuary. This year’s graduates are: Mia Massey, Gracie Catherine Trousdale, and Mattie Pitts. Please join us as we honor these young ladies and extend good wishes for the next stage of their lives.

The First UMC-Lawrenceburg Scholarship recipients this year are as follows:

Mia Massey—UMW-WIF Scholarship

Mattie Pitts—Jackson-McClanahan Scholarship

Gracie Catherine Trousdale—May Jones Scholarship

Third grade Bibles will be presented on Sunday, May 19th, at the 10:30 am.

Service. Please let Mrs. Tracy know if you have a third grader.

...You are invited to

A Bridal Brunch for

Dezarae Clark & Jon Patrick Story

Saturday, May 18th

10:00am.—12 noon

In the Parlor of

First United Methodist Church

Registries include:

Miss Millie’s, Williams-Sanoma

West Elm

Please join us to celebrate Dezarae & JP!



The Mary Martha Circle will meet on Monday, May 13th, at 5:30 p.m. This month we are supporting The Shelter. We are asking members to bring Shell gas cards, Walmart and/or Kroger gift cards to the meeting. Anyone else who wishes to make a donation can please drop them off at the church office prior to the meeting on May 13th.

The SPRC committee will meet on Tuesday, May 21st, at 5:30 pm. Members of the SPRC committee are Chairperson: Dawn Bradley,

Hallie Hoffmeyer, Steve Wright,

Judith Whaley, Brian Shultz,

Jansen Holt, Tim Spencer, Julie Slater, Ken Nelson, and

Lay-Leader, Beth Lerner.

PRAYER CONCERNS—(Current Prayer Concerns)

Barbara Wellman Wayne Clayton Jerry Godsey

Jessica Wood Jim Wood Gordon Lewis

Carole Cheatwood Jerry Dauer Andrew Holcomb

Jerry Gibbs Beth Duncan Sue Biven

Cissy Holt Beverly Richardson Brandon White

Brett Holt Patricia Chapman Darryl Watson

Bridgett Mosley Gattis Michael Assad Susie De Antonio

Meredith McCoy McCraw Cliff Philpot Marty Crews

Dr. Scott Benefield & Family Joan Emerson Bob Brown

Danny Carter Jeff Weeks Susan Beuerlein

Carroll & Cathy Curry Jackson Murtha

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

Larry Bailey Roy Bradley Ed Bryant

Holly Glogau-Morgan Lanny Hurst Ron & Mary Randolph

Cliff Philpot Linda Sowell & Beth Barnes

Jennifer Robertson Carley Henson Mark Brewer

Kade Shultz Fountain of Life Church-Nicaragua

My Service

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Tuesday, May 7th

Sharon Loete, Bruce & Barbara Edwards

Thursday, May 9th

Mary Meier, Jerry & Martha Jo Gibbs

Acolytes for Sunday, May 5th, 2024


Ushers for Sunday May 5th, 2024

(10:30 am. Service)

Adam Glogau

Adam Slater, Dwain Bradley